When Bernard Shaw was writing Arms and the military man in 1893-1894, romanticist ideals concerning crawl in and war were subdued widely accepted and considered normal; an stead that did not change, heretofore with Bernard Shaws efforts to the contrary, until the dreadful losses of the First man War. Shaw, a socialist, was greatly influenced by Henrik Ibsen who took social themes, treated them realistically and condemned the crushing set up of society. Shaw continued in this vein, utilize his humour and wit to rap injustice, hypocrisy and self-interest. In Arms and the Man Shaw attacks these ideals of contend in a pattern of ways. He grossly exaggerates ( imitation organism the most important fork of these romantic ideas), but does so to an even greater design than normal. He gives stark comparisons mingled with his perceived reality and that of the majority of the population, and does so among the characters, the plot and the situation. He also makes a burlesque of t hese ideals by eventually conquering the characters to pull for themselves the absurdity of their attitudes. Yet, strangely, perhaps because he realised that his play lighten had to be acceptable to a wide audience, he seems to allow Romantic ideas to re-emerge at the end. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â During the Romantic period exaggeration of things such as love was common, and was, in fact, the basis of the Romantic culture.

In Arms and the Man there an even greater extent of exaggeration than was common. The characters, the situations and to most extent the plot are all exaggerated in some way. Of the main characters, Sergius, Raina, and B luntschli, entirely Bluntschli is not of a ! extremely romantic bearing, and even he might be considered slimly exaggerated in the frigid way. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sergius is described by Shaw as a tall, romantically cock-a-hoop man, with the physical hardihood, If you want to take up a wide of the mark essay, order it on our website:
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